01/03/2010 修正 Cafe Points 運作方式, 本次要使用 CP 功能需
先去拜訪隨便一位朋友的餐廳來取得 FN ID 之後才
能使用 CP 功能
Cafe Points function fixed. Now, you have to visit
one of your friends to get FN ID first.
12/31/2009 增加 Cafe Points 功能, 用來升等級
12/27/2009 補充說明: 不要使用 PROXY, 會抓不到 ID
Do not use proxy server.
12/24/2009 修正取得 FaceBook ID 方式, 現在你應該在一進去
Cafe World 就已經取得到 FB ID 了
1. 選擇瀏覽器
2. 進入 FaceBook 玩 Cafe World
3. 在載入遊戲時按 START ( Loading 時隨時按都可以 )
4. 進入遊戲後等待取得 FaceBook ID
5. 取得 ID 後就可以按 $$$ 開始變錢囉
ps1. 金錢值要等到 Client 端跟 Server 做 refresh 時才會看到更動
大約每 30 秒左右更動一次.
The game coins will be updated after game client send refresh
request to server. Usually takes 30 seconds.
ps2: 進入遊戲後有任何要你回應的畫面..例如 Welcome Back
之類的, 要按掉, 否則 $$$ 雖然有增加但你會看不到更動
上一版的 CWCheat 有些玩家就是沒有按掉, 所以會取不到
FaceBook ID
If the game client pop-up any kind of windows. Please close it.
You won't see any COINS' update unless you close the pop-up
window. (Although CWCheat sent COINS command to Cafe World
server already.)
Sorry! I have to find why others' can't use CP
回覆刪除function. download suspended (01032010 version)
我得找到為何其它人不能用 CP 功能, 但得等我假期過完再來找
cons works but the cp doesn't change or anything in the game.. it does seem to be changing in the tool thougfh..
回覆刪除simply hope its a minor bug that you missed :)
回覆刪除it's work to me bro... after visit a friend, must back to home only start to click CP, not click it in friend restoran!!!!
回覆刪除Hey I Aleardy Tried Like That But It Did'nt Work
回覆刪除Maybe Your Computer Have The Same Hex Code With TigerZZ
回覆刪除CP points work fine for me. I just visit a friends cafe' wait a couple min and go home.
回覆刪除31/12 version work for me, only the $ and CP increase very slow, but the 24/12 version $ increase very fast, using different packet??
回覆刪除How do I get it to download?
回覆刪除TigerZZ can u teach me how to use the CWCheat that you created...
回覆刪除Don´t work for me :S
回覆刪除Already patched.
回覆刪除hey tigerzz i dont see the Coin Button :S
回覆刪除on new version of cwcheat :( i just see the CP button :(